Head of School’s Blog – 15 March 2024

Welcome to the blog for this week.
Year 11 has seven weeks until their first written exam. Information will be coming out next week about revision opportunities available over the Easter holidays. They need to make sure that they use their time wisely – the hard work they put in now will be reflected in their final grades.
On Tuesday we had 81 year 10 students on a trip to see a performance of Macbeth in Southsea. The students were a credit to Carisbrooke College and I’d like to thank them and the staff involved – an excellent opportunity for the year 10s to see a play they are studying for their English GCSE. The students’ feedback about the performance was excellent.
Thank you to the year 9 students for submitting their options forms for year 10. During the process the students have been extremely mature and have asked lots of questions to assist them in their decision making. If you have forgotten to hand it in, please do so by Monday 18 March.
Attendance has dropped the last couple of weeks, especially in year 8. Lower attendance clearly has an effect upon the academic progress of students. Studies show that a student with 92% attendance or lower will, on average, achieve GCSE results that are one grade lower than their peers. In addition to this, absence from school can cause pastoral issues such as feeling lonely or isolated at school. If you have concerns about your child’s school attendance or punctuality please contact the school, through your child’s tutor in the first instance. I would like to thank you for your support in this matter and making sure your child is attending school regularly and are therefore benefiting fully from their educational opportunity.
Congratulations to our highest achievement point winners for last week, Riley year 7, Summer and Jack year 8, Maddie year 9, Archie year 10 and Hollie year 11. Well done to you all.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Begley
Head of School – Carisbrooke College